Istanbul, Fırat Yeşiltepe
Istanbul, Fırat Yeşiltepe Oil Paintings
Oil on canvas, original painting
There are many things that can come to mind when Istanbul is mentioned in this picture, Galata Tower, Maiden's Tower, Bosphorus Bridge, ferries, bagels and tea, Karaköy district, 3 generation coffees, fish bread, raki, Bosphorus, Galata Bridge, Golden Horn, Golden Horn Metro Bridge, Eminönü. and Suleymaniye Mosque and surprise, city bus, I like city buses, it carries people and goes everywhere, everyone is there, there is cooperation, discussion and chaotic harmony. There we have to go to the goal, and we have to achieve it every day. At least a few times a day, there is great excitement and great frustration, municipal buses are very diverse and behave differently according to cities and countries. So are supercars.