Author biography
Milos Trbic was born on 13 December 1979 in Sombor. He lives in the village Kolut. Elementary School "Ognjen Prica" ended in 1994. After completing elementary school he enrolled in the socio-linguistic direction High School "Veljko Petrovic" in Sombor city. 1998 entered Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad city, at the Department Biologija- ecology, where in January 2005 acquired the title of graduate ecologist for the protection of the environment. The same was employed at the site inspector for environmental protection in the municipal administration Sombor.
2008 is not entered postgraduate Master studies- to course Hydrobiology - water protection. 2011 awarded the title of Master. From elementary school worked as a graphic designer, watercolor, tempera, pastel techniques. As an autodidact, since 1995, starting in oils on canvas. In 1996 the participant artists' colony "Cultural Center Ring" on restaurant "Pikec" in the Bezdan village. 1997 is participated an art colony "Cultural Center Ring" on Kolut pond. In 2001 he participated in an art colony "Kolut- Mandic" in Backi Monostor in a villa "Strbac", then in 2002 at the Art Colony "Kolut- Mandic" in Sombor in the "Kronic motel." 2010. The painter Anthony Krulic- Braco participate in the exhibition in Primary Ring "Ognjen Prica" on the occasion of the school. The same year in August, as part of Ilinden ceremony, at the invitation of Women "Rainbow" Kolut village exhibited painter Braco Krulic. 2010 participates in the exhibition with Anthony Krulic-Braco in the Youth Center-Little Gallery in Sombor. 18 September 2011. The participant of the international art colony "Baranian paradise" in Batina. First time own show at the Cultural Center "Laza Kostic" in Sombor in the Small Gallery on 18 June 2012. 18 July of the same year own show at the Café Bar "Gallery" in Sombor. 2012 participant of art colonies DVD "Breg" in Backi Breg. 14 September of the same year had solo exhibitions at the Gallery "Stanisicka" in Stanisic village. On 23 September 2012, as part of Miholdanian day own show at Backi Breg. 2013 participant of the international exhibition of paintings "The beauty of women" Kolut-Mandic, with a picture - Female Nude "Magnolia". Exhibition on March 08, 2013 in Novi Sad in Studio "M" on March 21, 2013 in Vrbas "Art Gallery" in Becej in the gallery "Circle" on April 03, 2013, Belgrade, Gallery "Helena" April 19 the same year, Kovin, Gallery of the Cultural Center May 14, 2013, then in Paracin in the gallery of the city, June 04, 2013, Cuprija, gallery Museum of the City, on June 27, 2013, Aleksinac, gallery cultural center, July 19, 2013 year. Ninth exhibition "Beauty of women", Backa Palanka, City Museum on September 05, 2013, then the tenth exhibition of paintings "The beauty of women" in Apatin at the spa "Junakovic" in the conference room on 24 October 2013. Eleventh international exhibition of paintings "The beauty of women" was opened in Slovakia in Piestany in the gallery "Fontana", on 05 November 2013. The twelfth international exhibition of paintings "The beauty of a woman", gallery Kesov-Nitra, Full Kesov, Slovakia, December 30, 2013. 28 July 2013 solo show within the cultural evening on the occasion of Ilindanian ceremony, the organizers of the Cultural Center Gakovo in Gakovo village. In January 2014, a participant of the international Art Colony Kolut-Mandic "Back picture" in Apatin in Spa "Junakovic" and exhibition of pictures from the colonies 01. 02. 2014. The thirteenth international exhibition of paintings "The beauty of women" was opened on 05 March 2014 in Hungary in Budapest, Gallery SKC. 15 May 2014. The participant artists colony Kolut- Mandic, exhibition of paintings "The Return of the picture" (25th convocation), Subotica, Gallery SKC "Sveti Sava". On 13 June 2014, international art colony Kolut-Mandic, "The beauty of women" in Budapest, salon-gallery "400". 01 July 2014. The participant artists colony Kolut-Mandic exhibition "Return of the picture" in Vrbas in the gallery of the cultural center. 02 August 2014 exposes in coils within Ilindanian ceremony. 05 August 2014 group exhibition in KC "Laza Kostic" -Sombor in Sombor in the "Sombor salon." Art Colony Kolut-Mandic, exhibition of paintings "The beauty of a woman", gallery "St. Luke", Ub, November 28, 2014, then in Mionica in the gallery "CLUB KC" on 9 December 2014. He participated in Sombor Salon 2015 in KC "Laza Kostic" in Sombor.
A total of 50 paintings done in oil on canvas, about eighty sketches and drawings in pencil, twenty pictures in tempera, a ten watercolors and pastels 45 photo techniques.
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