I'm outta door, Fırat Yesiltepe
It's not even sincere to go crazy, come on dance, there is nothing you can do, pasha pasha, you will live, walk a little more, wherever you are walking now, you are walking in vain, but what will you do if you don't walk? you walk away. Cover them up with a paint roller, don't make me laugh, you can't, I know. Sir, I want to say something, is that something? I want to say a lot of things. who, who's self-expression what's wrong? a chrome yellow heart, let's play some hops, nobody is there, you play by yourself. What will you enjoy now. There are buildings! window window window. heeee. Let's take a little bus. bomb if we find space!
note: the work is made on ordinary paper, it is not a perfect or perfect square, and the paper is damaged in some places. bright green segments are physically absent.
Firat Yesiltepe